Grow Your Local Construction Company With The Right Website
The simple fact of the matter is that most people search online before making local small business purchases. If you aren't online, you aren't an option. Even if you are online, if you aren't on the front page of Google for the keywords consumers use to find products and services just like the ones you sell, you'll likely never be found.
So what can you do to grow your local construction company online?
Read below to see why you need a construction website, how it will help your local construction company grow and the best solution for your construction website needs.
9 Reasons You Need A Construction Website - Why You Need A Construction Website
Good construction websites promote you and your company to your largest source of prospects - internet users - 24 hours a day. Without a website, you are recklessly ignoring up to 75% of your potential customers.
Better construction websites make it easy for prospects to contact your company, whether by email, contact form and/or preferably, social media. Your construction website should act as the hub for your social media and email marketing, two of the best (and cheapest!) ways to market your company. In fact, more and more small businesses are pouring more and more money into social media marketing, and email marketing returns an astounding $44 for every $1 invested!
By using a combination of publishing your own content, social media and email marketing, costs per lead are reduced by 60%!
But the BEST Construction Websites should do all this and more. Your website should help you grow your business, include features that benefit you and your prospects and act as your most efficient, profitable and valuable salesperson.
While we think there are at least 27 good reasons for you to choose us, here is a list of things our construction websites are designed to do for you:
Showcase Your Products & Services - Your website showcases your products and services for everyone to see, through photos, videos and more. Explain benefits, compare with other products/services, and show testimonials from happy customers. The more you show the more new customers you'll make.
Save Costs - By integrating systems and automating certain tasks relevant to your business, your website will actually save you money. How it saves you money is up to you, but here are 11 ways to get your mind working.
Reach a Larger Market - Our commitment is in helping small, local businesses grow, but that doesn't mean your target market has to remain limited to your backyard. In fact, your website can help you build relationships with strategic alliances, referral partners and affiliates and establish your construction company as a thought leader regionally, nationally and even internationally, opening up opportunities you've never dared to think of.
Generate (Free) Leads - The overall success of your website is limited only by the amount of time, smarts and effort you put into it. The name of the game is content, and the more of it you have, the more leads your construction website will generate. Think of the internet as television and each website as its own TV show. Without continuous, new "episodes" (content), the search engines (TV guide) stop broadcasting your show on channels related to your show (search engine result pages related to your site). But if you have a smart content strategy, your show will be a hit. Check out our website packages to see how we help you have the most popular show in town.
Educate - The more popular your show, the more traffic your site is going to get. Unfortunately, too many small business websites have poorly written sales copy, are focused on what they do, not what they can do for the prospect, and don't engage, entertain and educate the prospect in any way. As a rule, education = conversion. Best construction websites come with professionally-written sales copy focused on customer benefits and establishing you as the expert in your local market.
Update Information Quickly - If you haven't noticed, the world and the marketplace are moving faster than ever. Printing materials has almost become a hazard, not to mention very expensive, and forget about it if they include a typo. Having a website that is easy to edit and update on your own is vital in today's information economy. Prospects cannot get enough information about the companies they are thinking about doing business with. Give it to them or lose out to competitors who do!
24/7 Sales Tool - In addition to the amount of information they expect, consumers also demand information to be available to them 24/7, 365. Gone are the days of requesting more information. Make a database of the things your prospects and clients ask most and develop a continually updated frequently asked questions page. Create or suggest additional online resources for your products and services and by all means, include testimonials, reviews, recommendations and media mentions of your company to sell your company while you sleep.
Control Your Content - Content makes the internet world go round and brings in free leads. The best construction websites act as a hub for all your content and transform your construction company into a virtual media outlet. Once your content is published, it can then be spread around the internet - to social media sites, bookmarking sites, article directories, local and regional media, and other strategic outlets - all leading back to your website.
Improve Branding - Branding helps your construction company stand out from the competition, but it can cost a fortune branding through traditional means. With your website, it's free. Your logo, your sales pitch and your content combine online to build your brand and scale with your business. Without a website, you may not even exist in the mind of your prospect. But with BEST Construction Websites, you even the playing field and can even the stack the deck heavily in your favor.
Who Needs A Construction Website?
So now that you have an idea of why you need a website, you may be asking yourself whether a website will help your local construction company. The answer is YES!
Regardless of what type of construction you do, Best Construction Websites will get you to the top of your local search results and become your most valuable marketing tool.
Besides good search engine rankings, your new construction website:
automatically captures prospect email addresses keeps track of traffic information easily publishes new
content showcases your work in pictures and videos allows prospects to connect with you
And if you think of something else you want your construction website to do, ask us and we'll show you how it can be done with one of our video tutorials.
Not sure if you need a website for your construction business?
Look at some of these numbers:
Construction companies - 368,000 monthly searches
General contracting - 165,000 monthly searches
General contractors - 164,000 monthly searches
General contractor - 135,000 monthly searches
Building contractors - 74,000 monthly searches
New home construction companies - 74,000 monthly searches
Residential construction - 49,500 monthly searches
Commercial construction - 49,500 monthly searches
That's just on Google.
Each and every month.
Sure these terms are generic, but it proves that your local prospects are searching for the services you offer online - and if you aren't online, you aren't an option.
But if you are an option, the leads you get are red hot and ready to buy. And the higher your construction website ranks for your targeted keywords, the more of these red hot leads you're going to get.
Imagine ranking on the front page of Google for terms like these in your area:
Your City Construction contractor
Your City Construction company
Your City Residential construction company
Your City Commercial construction company
Your City Independent contractor
Your City Building contractor
Your City Building construction
If you reached the front page of Google for just 5 of those terms, with an average of 50 searches a month, you'd get no fewer than 5 of those red hot prospects every month. The sample above is for the 10th position. Those numbers increase dramatically as your rankings increase.
For example:
9th position = 7.5 hot prospects a month (150% increase) 7th position = 9.5 hot prospects a month (190% increase) 5th position = 15.25 hot prospects a month (305% increase) 3rd position = 23.75 hot prospects a month (475% increase) 1st position = 91 hot prospects a month (1820% increase)
Again, this is just an example, but a very realistic one. Depending on the amount of searches in your area, the amount of hot prospects will go up or down, top-notch consultants reviews but the ratios remain the same1.
Are you starting to see the importance of creating the content needed to secure these top positions? Can you see how many leads you are throwing away (and worse, they are going straight to one of your competitors) every month?