What is Jujutsu? mahito jujutsu kaisen
What most people do not know about Jujutsu today is that back in the day of Samurai, there were NO Jujutsu Dojo or schools. There were only schools of weapons. So first, you would learn the sword and then after mastering the sword you would learn empty handed methods of killing or crippling your opponent to then take their weapon away to replace what you have lost during battle.
Also there were schools in spear fighting (so Jutsu), schools in staff fighting (bo Jutsu). Also - Jo Jutsu / Hanbo Jutsu / Yawara (hand stick) and there was also knife fighting (Tanto Jutsu).
So here is the philosophy behind the thinking back then. You can't do a good job defending against something you don't understand. So if you did not know how a knife or sword was used, then how will you ever be able to properly defend against it? You must first learn to fight with a knife so that you can learn how it will be used against you so you can properly defend yourself against that weapon of choice being used against you.
Multiple opponents (Randori): In jujutsu, we learn how to deal with more than just one person. Mahito jujutsu kaisen there can be five or six opponents. Body positioning, angles and timing are crucial. Timing is a must! Every time we teach anything in Freedman's Method, we always want to make sure to remind each student to always remember that they are never just fighting one opponent, even though it may first appear like they are fighting one opponent. We teach our students to always cover your back and be aware of your surroundings. Always treat one opponent as two opponents. Treat two opponents as three opponents and so on.
Ground Fighting (Ne-Waza): I teach my students to try to do their best to get right back up onto their feet as soon as possible. The faster, the better. However on those days when you can't get up and you are stuck there, no worries. We learn to deal with these issues of ground defense. We do not like to tie ourselves with just one opponent on the ground and wrestle around, trying to submit the person or make him give up. By doing this my question would be, what about his three buddies standing by while you wrestle around on the ground trying to submit him? You either become a human kick ball or worse, a pin cushion! Our method of ground work is finish him off quickly and roll up to your feet.