How to Solve Linksys Router Not Connecting to Internet?
There may be various reasons if your Linksys router won't connect to internet. It may be possible that you are not using the correct way to establish the connection between Linksys router and the internet. It is straightforward to set up a Linksys router, but a little error can cause interruptions. Hence it is recommended to follow all steps in a proper way. To resolve this issue, you can reset your router to factory default settings, uninstall and reinstall the Linksys Connect Software on your main computer, then reconfigure your router's settings through Linksys Connect. You can also power cycle the modem and/or router. For this, unplug the modem, the Linksys router, and the computer from power outlets, then wait for 30 seconds before plugging them back in.
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how to configure linksys router