Am I able to get a refund for my Avianca voucher
Can you get a refund for your Avianca voucher?
Yes, you can get a refund on your Avianca Voucher because the refund you get is in the same mode used when making the reservation. And if you use the voucher, then you can have the refund in that way also. But for that, you have to apply for it online by yourself or call customer service. If you need help applying for a refund for the voucher, follow the steps illustrated below.
First, you must open the Avianca Airline official site using your preferred search engine.
You have to click on the three-line icon located at the top right corner of the web page.
When it opens, then click on the refund option.
After this, you must type your booking code with the last name and ticket payment mode with the reason for the refund and click on continue.
Now, you will have to fill out the refund form and when you have completed the form, then click on the submit icons.
You will now complete the process and get the refund number in your email id and phone number.
Thus, when you read here, you might have the answer to the question such as Can I get a refund for my Avianca voucher?. But you still do then get the help of the customer service team and avail answer for this.