Massage Service
I’m curious because I’m currently dealing with other a flare up so I am not exercising atm. But TYIs we’re a major part of the strengthening routine for my upper body (recommended by 2 different PT’s with expertise in EDS and HEDs patients). The goal being to start with no weights, increase time then graduate to 1 pound increase the time gradually, then graduate etc until about 4 pounds. Has anyone followed a similar routine?
If so, I have a few specific questions. 1)Did it help with your ability to sit up / stand up and hold your body position (I.e improved posture)?
Did this ultimately decrease your pain levels in this area by strengthening it if it was previously very unstable?
If it did ultimately decrease pain, did it increase or flare up your pain along the way at any point? And could you estimate approximately how long it took to experience any noticeable decrease in pain from the original point? (I acknowledge this will not be the same for everyone and do not expect this to be a prediction just curious if people have estimates like “several weeks” “several months” “a year” as a frame of reference)
I’m also interested in any Edmonton Chiropractor information you might be willing to share related to hyper mobility issues in the upper back/ neck area and specifically shoulder blades. They are really causing me some struggles.