E-Waste Management | EPR Certification
E-Waste is often referred to as electronic garbage. Today, India is immerging as one of the largest electronic hubs around the globe. Electronic waste can be hazardous to humans as it contains harmful chemical compounds and metals. Electronic waste disposal without the proper methods can have an adverse impact on people and the natural environment. So, managing E-Waste is now a huge problem in today's world.
To address this issue, in order to deal with this situation, government officials have taken seriously-minded steps to deal with the waste in a sustainable method. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) gives EPR licenses to the manufacturers of electronic products. EPR licenses to manufacturers of electronic products that tie them up to recycle and manage the final stages of their products in a sustainable way. Review the entire process and documents required, as well as the cost, timeframe, and more. Visit the EPR certification.
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