is the lesson we do teach children by
One concern, she says, is the lesson we do teach children by punishing them: that they must do what an authority figure tells them, "or else". "It sets children up to learn to be submissive, which is extremely dangerous. To do what adults tell them to do right now – the first time ('I don't want any back talk!')," she says. "So when my coach, or my priest, or my teacher wants to coerce me into something, it's a whole lot easier. I've learned that I have to submit."
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Teaching kids is hard work! You need to have a lot of patience and willpower to raise your child correctly, and to make it easy for him in life.
I think education is very important and I have a younger brother who is not exactly a good boy. He often treated his classmates and teachers with disrespect. But later, a friend of mine who has a problematic sister advised me teaching respect to children. After the purchase, I was pleasantly surprised that my son began to behave better and treat others with respect.