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<br/>[ Updated : March 11, 2022] Users Online: 4330 <br/><br/>
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<p>When in doubt, skip the vote</p>
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<p>Try to Blend In</p>
<p>Impostor Tips for Winning</p>
<p>(Image credit: InnerSloth)</p>
<p>Since only the imposters can use the vents to move around the maps, you can easily use them to escape the crime scene in order to avoid getting caught. You can access them and travel quickly to eliminate your victims and then escape without being seen.</p>
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<p>4. Take initiative </p>
<p>The other way Impostors can clear themselves of wrongdoing is to have someone vouch for them. One way this could work is by making a kill in a secluded area, venting away, and finding areas with a lot of crewmates who can see the Impostor player performing fake tasks and vouch for their innocence once the body is discovered. Another way might be to kill in a crowded area where the confusion will likely help shield the Impostor from suspicion. Finally, the Impostors can and should team up if there are several of them and vouch for one another. Of course, if they do this too often, it could backfire, but it is a good way to begin the game and get a few kills without being caught.</p>
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<p>For impostors, the best place to commit a murder is in Dropship. That is because there are very few tasks that happen inside the area and most players end up taking care of them right out of the gate, as noted above.</p>
<p>Abduction is a principle of logical reasoning that combines unconfirmable and confirmed information to get to an answer. This is a strong way to determine who the Impostor is, but it can also be flawed if the Impostor is especially good at framing. Abduction happens when two players are found near a dead body and are accusing one another of being the Impostor. If Red dies and Yellow and Cyan are nearby, the crewmates will reasonably assume one of them is responsible. If Yellow is then killed the next round, crewmates are likely to assume Cyan is responsible, even though an Impostor might be framing Cyan. Crewmates may use this reasoning because they perceive the benefit of possibly kicking out the Impostor outweighs the cost of inadvertently booting an innocent crewmate.</p>
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<p>3 </p>
<p>Among Us Mod Menu Mediafıre 2022</p>
<p>Sounds basic, but this is how you win. Try completing a group of tasks in one area at a time. Not only will this allow you to monitor an area better, but also get a lot done efficiently.</p>
<p>“Red sus”</p>
<p>Screenshot (371).png</p>
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<p>Need some Among Us Imposter tips to help you lay low? How about knowing how to sniff out bad apples as a Crewmate? Jumping into a game with friends can be challenging when you're out of the loop, but don't let that slow you down. I'm here to help you strengthen your skills as a self-assured prosecutor, while realising your potential as a top-tier trickster.</p>
<p>Airship Map Tips and Tricks</p>
<p>Common tasks</p>
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<p>Among Us Mod Menu Hack</p>
<p>The best part about this is if both crewmates are clear, that can increase trust between the two of them and they can cooperate. For impostors, this can also show which players need to be killed off as keeping the more suspicious people around with help you.</p>
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<p>945360 20220403104757 1.png</p>
<p>Like The Skeld map, there is a security camera that players can use to keep track of player movement. The difference is that Polus has six different camera locations for players to view instead of four. That said, the downside for these cameras is that players can only look at one camera at a time.</p>
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<p>“Where was the body?”</p>
<p>Trick 1: Staying together in a group</p>
<p>This feature on the Mira HQ map keeps a record of every player that has passed a sensor. There are three sensors placed on the map. This log can help you find out who was where at the time of a murder, and who has been lying. Note that the Door Log only shows the 20 most recent events. This can be handy for catching out venting Imposters as they might trigger two sensors at opposite ends of the map.</p>
<p>The better strategy is for the Impostor to spin a story about why they were caught near the body. Good alibis might be that they were coming to investigate the crime scene, or that they were heading toward a particular task. Impostors will need to think quickly and be able to lie effectively under pressure for this to work. The Impostor will also need to be careful not to lay it on too thick, because the more vigorously someone defends themselves, the guiltier they begin to appear.</p>
<p>Know where tasks take place. This is the most important part of being a believable "crewmate" as the Imposter! Pretend to do tasks (and let people see you) by standing by and waiting. The game even gives you fake ones, so you don’t duplicate anyone else’s tasks.</p>
<p>We’re not saying that this is the most honorable way to win, but it is an entertaining one. Just stand still and wait. Others will notice you’re not moving, assume you’re AFK, and leave you alone. When a player comes in range, walk towards them and quickly kill them. Then go back to the exact same spot you were in. You will be surprised how many players buy into this tactic.</p>
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<p>Don't delay, call an Emergency Meeting</p>
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<p>The first step in becoming an S-Tier Impostor, is by faking tasks. Only Crewmates can complete tasks, so faking one when other players are near can give you an alibi. To fake a task, stand still in the task spot and wait a bit. Try to leave just after the task bar in the upper left corner fills up, to prove that you really did it. Note that many players will be doing tasks in early game, so you will have many chances to fake them perfectly. </p>
<p>Look busy </p>
<p>Light panel on Polus in Among Us</p>
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<p>Not every room is labeled on the map. The Ventilator room (located in the aforementioned space between Showers and Cargo Bay) is not marked on the map, despite the fact that there is a task that must be completed therein. There is also the Hall of Portraits, connecting the Kitchen and Security, although there are no tasks in that area.</p>
<p>You can’t control your teammates, but at least you can refrain from joining in. Try to break the cycle by stating some useful observations and if you get crowded out.</p>
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<p>6. Crowd kill</p>
<p>Most tasks take up the whole screen, leaving you blind, and some take a long time to complete. Be aware not to do these if someone suspicious is around.</p>
<p>Keeping safe and on task as a Crewmate is one thing, but you want to find the best Among Us strategy for operating undercover as the Imposter. Whether you're an honest Crewmate or a slippery Imposter, I've put together this Among Us guide to help you get started.</p>
<p>Screenshot (376).png</p>
<p>(Image credit: InnerSloth)</p>
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<p>4 </p>
<p>(Image credit: InnerSloth)</p>
<p>Quite often, Crewmates are not even aware of this. However, if they are a bit more experienced, they will try to call an emergency meeting as soon as possible to prevent the Impostor from making their final kill. The best way to fix this problem is by sabotaging immediately. During a sabotage, Crewmates can’t call an emergency meeting and are forced to walk over to a certain spot. All you have to do is wait for them to meet their fate.</p>
<p>If an impostor can trick another crewmate into following them into the Dropship, killing them there may lead to crewmates never finding them as they may not check there. That said, crewmates should always give this room a glance in case someone is shown as dead on vitals.</p>