Recommend a movie
Recommend a movie or TV series like "Stargate" or something like that.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Conqueror of the Dawn
Plot: The youngest children of the Pevensie family go to visit their uncle, who lives in a glorious cottage in the north of the country. Lucy and Edmund get their first glimpse of their cousin, a frail, sickly young man named Eustace. All attempts to establish a relationship ran into an insurmountable wall. Eustace considered himself the most important person here and was not about to share that title with anyone. The stories of the younger Pavensi made Eustace laugh. How could anyone believe such nonsense, Eustace thought, until one day.
A lot of movies like this can be found here -
Pretty Woman : I don't really like romcoms, but I've been married for 55 years, so as you can imagine, I've been doing my share. The strange thing is that I'm not a fan of either Julia Roberts or Richard Gere. However, their on-screen partnership in Pretty Woman works so well that I couldn't imagine anyone else playing those roles. Normally I don't think Julia is too attractive, but in this movie she radiates sexiness and looks pretty amazing. Richard Gere has always been able to "suave," and the two different characters, the hapless prostitute and the rich businessman, have achieved perfection.