Develop Your Electrical Safety Program And Align Your Team Today With Leaf Electrical Safety
You don't have time… you’ve got 80 hours of work to do in a 40-hour week.
With standards and regulations changing all the time, it's hard to keep up and maintain your own work.
That’s why we’ve designed Electrical Safety Program Accelerator, it will help align your team and create a support system within your organization to help keep the program up-to-date.
As part of the Electrical Safety Program Accelerator your team will work through 8 modules to help with your program development.As each session passes your team will be able to build upon the electrical safety program until complete.
Your team will not only have the knowledge, but you will have a written electrical safety program that is created during the accelerator process.
Visit page to accelerate your electrical safety program today!About us
At Leaf Electrical Safety we help industrial and commercial clients with their arc flash & electrical safety needs. We know your company wants to provide a safe place for its employees to work. In order for that to happen, you need to have systems and processes built into your everyday work. The problem is that you're busy focusing on the job at hand and the standards and regulations seem like they are impossible to follow. This makes you feel like it's hopeless and you might as well forget it. We believe that no one should ever feel this way. That's why we've put together a team of experts who are ready to help. Whether it's electrical safety training, program development, an arc flash study, or an audit you need, we are ready to help.